Case against companies (civil lawsuit)
We call for an injunction against the project proponents Kobe Steel Ltd., its subsidiary Kobelco Power Kobe No. 2 Inc., and the electricity purchaser Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., to stop the construction and operation of the power plant.
Why does this require a lawsuit?
1. Because the project will violate the right to clean air and healthy living (i.e., the right to a healthy and peaceful life)
Coal-fired power plants emit large amounts of harmful air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and PM2.5, threatening the health of nearby residents.
2. Because the project will violate the right to live in a stable climate and not be threatened by the risk of future global warming (i.e., the right to enjoy a stable climate).
Coal-fired power plants emit large amounts of CO2and accelerate climate change. If built, these plants will emit 6.92 million tons a year. That would be 1/5,000 of the world’s CO2emissions from energy, about 6% of Japan’s total greenhouse gas emissions, and equivalent to the CO2emissions of 1.5 million Japanese households.
Schedule (past and future)
28-May-2019 – Third court date (Courtroom No. 101, Kobe District Court)
13-Mar-2019 – Second court date (Courtroom No. 101, Kobe District Court)
19-Dec-2018 – First court date (Kobe District Court)
14-Sep-2018 – Launch of civil injunction lawsuit (Kobe District Court)